End the rat race, destructive patterns, and being let down at every turn.
take back control and achieve those goals

that have always been just out of reach with The Next Level Experience.

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Next Round Starts September 2024.

Life Changing Experiences

Instead of promising results, let us prove it...

Netti Chambers

Next Level Graduate

“I can’t thank you enough for putting a program like this together! I know that it was divine guidance that I even happened upon The Next Level and at the very time that I needed it in my life. Thank you so much for taking the time to help all of us out from being stuck!

I am so grateful for the knowledge I have gained. I am so grateful for the new tools I have to conquer life. I am grateful for the work and time done to get rid of the old and make room for the new. I am grateful for the person I am becoming! I have so much more joy and hope about the future! And as I am writing this, I am 1 pound away from my goal weight.

I am so grateful for the hard things I did during this challenge. I know it was some of the work that helped me get out of my comfort zone and do things I needed to do.

I know I will continue to grow and learn and be even better. I will work on leading with my heart and to reach new heights.

Thank you isn’t enough but that is all I have. I love you guys and I love the friends I have made in The Next Level 2.0!! I hope to meet you one day soon and give you all big hugs!”

Leah Stenson

Next Level Graduate

“I mentioned this before but I will say it again – you guys were a literal answer to my prayers. I had been seeking help with little success. You guys came along and things just seemed to come together and fall into place. All that I have learned and been taught in this group means more to me than you will ever know…

Being able to say positive things about myself for the first time in 40 years and genuinely believing it is a miracle in itself. And then to be able to forgive myself and express gratitude for what I learned from my mistakes instead of constant shame is huge. And to be able to say that I actually like and love myself and am happy with myself is another big win. God knew you were exactly what I needed. No doubt about it. No coincidence either. You are a blessing in my life and I will be forever grateful for your help. I think the world of you three and the work that you do.

Thank You. I love you!

Karen Dapper

Next Level Graduate

“To say I’m grateful for this experience would be an understatement. Next Level came at the perfect time and has given me the ability to find the part of myself that has been hidden for quite awhile. I have felt so much joy in the last few months, and felt so much confidence…

in myself. This has helped me to realize my true strength, and remember that I need to be no different to be deserving of love, especially from myself. Knowing you three and watching you share your knowledge with others, and helping others succeed in this life experience has been a delight to behold. I’m truly grateful from the bottom of my heart for you guys, your support, belief in me, and giving me the tools to continue my journey.

Love you all so much!!”

Lizzy Meidinger

Next Level Graduate

“You have given me the opportunity to take my power back in my life. I cannot thank them enough for how much I’ve learned about myself and how much choice I have for my life. This program is really the next level. You’ve given us the tools to take all of our greatness and use it to grow to be our best selves!”

Chantel Allen

Next Level Graduate

“Words can’t even begin to describe how I feel about this group and you all as our amazing coaches. I have done so many programs in the past. I am always striving to up level and when I heard about this- it literally fell into my lap. I think I was a natural skeptic because I have tried so many things without…

getting many new results. But as the program began, and things were uncovered, my walls have come down. Things that I didn’t even know were possible, have come to pass. I came to this group telling myself I wanted to lose weight physically, but what I lost was not just physical weight, I lost so much relationship weight, emotional weight and mental weight. I feel so much lighter, happier and complete because of this group. I am so grateful for you all for the work you are doing and feel honored to call you also my friends. You are authentic, real and mean so much to me. Thanks for all you do. Love you all.

Erica DiPaula

Next Level Graduate

“I want to thank each of you with my entire heart for putting this program together. I ultimately signed up for this program because despite following all of Brad’s fitness/diet regime, I realized that it was mostly my mind that was holding me back…

I knew I had to work on that to ever see any weight loss progress and I knew I needed better balance in my life.

This program uncovered things I was holding inside that I didn’t know I was holding in. Living in fear even though anyone you’d ask that knew me would not have a clue. Living with a lot of resentment and feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. It’s been an amazing, emotional, whirlwind 8 weeks and I’m truly grateful for your love and caring through this process. I still have lots to work on but I know it’s a journey and it will take time. And now I have the tools and skills to continue to practice and grow. I am also grateful for bringing this awesome group of like-minded people together that have made this experience so special.

I believe these are people that I will be in contact with for a very long time.”

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Here's even a few more:

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“It wound up being so much more than I could have imagined…”

Joanna Campbell – Graduate

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“I didn’t even know I needed to grow spiritually and I did.”

Erin Call Hendry – Graduate

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“I have gained a sense of peace and calm and happiness …”

Amy Reynolds – Graduate

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"How do I know you're not just another person wanting to take people’s money and not actually deliver results?”

Damn, I get that... you should be skeptical of folks on the internet.
Here's an attempt to decrease that skepticism...

Brad Jensen

My passion for the fitness industry has been ingrained into my life since I was 14 years old. The minute I picked up my first fitness and nutrition magazine, I knew that it was what I was born to do. I became NASM and ACE certified so I could understand all parts of fitness and nutrition. I wanted to absorb as much as I could to feel my best and share my passion with others. I have since gone on to acquire numerous certifications, including NCI, Oracle applied science, and the Well-Fit mentorship.

This passion lifted me from my darkest times and helped me overcome a decade of addiction to drugs and alcohol, which resulted in my sobriety. My sobriety date is November 20th of 2012, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

Fitness, to me, isn’t just about physical appearance. Fitness is a lifestyle that is continuously evolving. I knew that I needed to build a place where we educate others on living healthy lives—no quick fixes or fad diets, just honest accountability, hard work, and real results that last. I opened the doors to Key Nutrition in March 2017 and have never looked back. I genuinely want my clients and my team to live healthy lives and understand how food and fitness can change your life for the better. We get one life, and I want everyone to live their best.

I now operate a course called The Next Level Experience, where we help individuals level up in all areas of their life in an intimate, intense, and interactive course. I am not only a fitness addict; I am also a dad to my sweet baby boy Dominic Jensen and a dog dad to my two fur babies, Champion and Chief.

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